Clinipad adding and pairing a tablet
Once the Clinipad SOEI app has been installed on the tablet it will need to be added to EXACT and paired, this procedure starts in EXACT and ends on the Clinipad device.
Adding and pairing a Clinipad device
In EXACT select either Administration - Clinipad, the Clinipad tab on the appointment book
or Select the Clinipad workspace icon (if added on your user's workspace)
Then select the Spanner button in the bottom right corner. -
Expand the “Add New Device” section to add a new Clinipad device (If your available Clinipad Licences allow). If you're deleting or pairing a previously paired device that has become disconnected you can delete a device using the Bin icon on the Clinipads display to remove a device. (please see Pairing a previously paired tablet if you require further steps to complete this).
Type a unique Device Name then click Create Device.
Launch the Clinipad SOEI app on the tablet (Install the app from Apple store or Google Play store).
If it asks for the server's IP address, this can be found by launching Command Prompt on your computer, type CMD into your Windows search bar.
In Command Prompt you can search for your server IP address, this can be completed from either your server computer or a workstation, the steps differ depending on what computer you are working on:
Type IPCONFIG then press enter.Workstation
Type ping server -4 (the word 'server' must be replaced with your server name) then press enter.Tip: You can find out your server name by clicking Help - About in EXACT or it is displayed in the lower corner of the EXACT launch window. Look for the IP address following "Reply from", which usually shows 4 times.
i.e in this example. -
Enter the IP address into the tablet and submit. It should connect and show the paired & unpaired device(s).
If it fails to connect see: Installing & Configuring CliniPad. -
Select an available device then click Pair Device. The tablet will now be paired and display the Clinipad Home Screen. If all the devices are already paired then go back to step 2 and remove a device and re-add it.
Close the Clinipad APP down completely on the tablet then relaunch to refresh the list of available devices before pairing the tablet.
Please Note: Your IT should make your server’s IP address Static so it does not change and require constant reconfiguration. |
Tip: To check if your server IP address is static. Launch Command Prompt on your server computer by typing CMD into the Windows search bar. Type IPCONFIG /all then locate DHCP Enabled, if the result is Yes, your IP address is not static. |
Pairing a previously paired device
To pair a device that has previously been paired, you will first need to delete the device within EXACT.
In EXACT select either Administration - Clinipad, the Clinipad tab on the appointment book
or Select the Clinipad workspace icon (if added on your user's workspace)
Then select the Spanner button in the bottom right corner. -
Click the bin icon on the device you wish to delete.
- Once deleted, the device will be removed from your screen.
- On the tablet itself you will need to clear the data/cache from the apps memory,
- For an Android device: go to Settings (swipe down from the top of the screen then click the settings cog, scroll down to find Apps/Application Manager, tap on Clinipad SOEI, then Storage, then Clear Cache and Data, you may need to confirm you wish to perform this action.
- For an Apple device: go to Settings (swipe down from the top of the screen then click the settings icon, scroll down to find Clinipad SOEI under Apps then clear the IP address (delete this, leaving it blank).
- You can now add and pair the Clinipad to EXACT again, see Adding and pairing a Clinipad device for the next steps.
If it fails to connect make sure it's connected to the correct WiFi (the one that can reach the server through the network).
You can download an app called "Ping" (or alternative on Apple devices) and ping the server IPv4 address to confirm if the tablet can communicate with the EXACT server.
If it fails ("Request timed out") speak to your IT for assistance with tablet connectivity issues.
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