Address Lookup
Address Lookup is an address finder service, allowing you to quickly and accurately complete patient addresses in patient files.
By using an API to connect to the service online, the information is always accurate and up to date.
Other benefits of this service include,
- Quickly and accurately populate patient addresses
- Reduce data entry errors
- Speed address entry
- Increase EasyPost delivery efficiency
Find out more by speaking with our Best Practice Consultants.
Using Address Lookup
- Open a patient file or create a new patient file.
- Type the patient Post Code into the Post Code field then select Lookup.
Tip: The Lookup service can search for with or without spaces added. - Select the correct address from the list then click Select.
- The address information will be populated in the patients file.
Incorrect Post Code
If a post code has been entered incorrectly, you will received an error prompt advising you to check and correct the post code.
No addresses were found for your search
Check you have entered the correct post code then try again.
Service is currently unavailable
If EXACT does not receive a response from the Address Lookup service within 30 seconds EXACT presents you with a failure notification.
- Check your EXACT server is connected to the internet and that this connection is working.
- Check the Date/Time are correct* on your server and workstation computers.
- Check the Server firewall is set to allow the following ports:
8200 & 8250 TCP Inbound
*Date/Time Tip: Your EXACT server needs to be within a 5 minute tolerance of the actual time for Address Lookup and other online services to function. |
Tip: Enabling the daylight saving setting on your server will allow for the automatic adjustment of your server time if your country/region utilises daylight savings time. |
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