Adding/Updating Specialists and Referral Sources
EXACT stores both specialists and referral sources in the Specialists menu found under File - Specialists. This feature is useful for storing any outside business or personnel that need to be recorded (specialists, doctors, labratories, etc.)
- Adding a Specialist or Referral source
- Updating/Editing a Specialist or Referral Source
- Other Specialist Options
- Emailing, Exporting or Printing a list of Specialists
Adding a Specialist or Referral source
- Navigate to File - Specialists.
- The Specialists window will open, use +1 to create a new specialist or referral source.
- The following screen will open, complete all known fields, ensuring to tick the box for the type of profile being created. Eg. Specialist, Referral Source, etc.
- Press OK once complete to save the profile.
Updating/Editing a Specialist or Referral Source
- When in the specialist window, use the select a profile option to select the Specialist to edit.
- Highlight the desired specialist and click OK using the Type filter option to filter different types of specialist.
- Edit the specialist as necessary and click the save icon once all edits are complete.
Other Specialist Options
Details on the various tick box options when creating a specialist profile.
A Referral Source will become an option in the Referred By field in the Patient Details.
A Specialist will become an option when emailing a specialist via the Patient section.
A Doctor or GDP will become an option in the Doctor section in the Medical Tab.
A Lab will become an option when charting a lab service item.
Emailing, Exporting or Printing a list of Specialists
To perform any of these tasks, please view the help article Contacting a Specialist including Email and Printing
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