Gender neutrality in EXACT
Exploring the subject of gender neutratility with patients can be tricky to navigate, more so in the medical environment. A very important point to remember is that sex and gender are two different things, the NHS explore this further in their Sex, gender and sexuality content.
In EXACT there are two areas to identify a patients preference,
This data can be interchanged with the phrase the sex someone was registered with at birth.
- EXACT has the options to enter Female or Male, alternatively you can type Other into this field.
- Patients who complete their patient demographics via Patient Portal have the option to select Female, Male or Other.
When TC'ing a Course of Treatment for a patient with Other selected as their sex you may be prompted to review this patients details.
Please Note: NHS claims may be rejected if a patient is not registered as either Male or Female in EXACT |
EXACT 13.215 introduced the option to select MX (Mixter) as a patients title, this title is commonly used by non-binary or people who do not identify with the gender binary.
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