Associates Report
This report is only available for customers using MPC
Report Purpose: A complete financial picture that shows how your practices financial position has changed over the reporting period. Data is presented broken down by provider and can be drilled into for analysis.
Accessing the Associates Report
The Associates report can be accessed via your browser by logging in to SOE Connect. Navigate to https:\\ and login with your credentials
If you are part of a corporate group you may have data for multiple practices available. First make sure that the correct practice is selected at the top of the screen.
Click in the top bar where it says 'Select a practice... ' or where there is an existing practice name and choose the correct practice from the drop-down menu.
Next use the side bar menu to select the Associates report.
The report allows you to select a date range, but defaults to the last calendar month automatically. To select a custom date range click on the dates shown.
You can quickly select one of the presets, or click on the Custom range option to select any pair of dates you require. Once you have selected the dates you want click on APPLY so they are set for the report.
Click on the
Whilst the report is collating you will see a progress bar. The time the report takes to compile will depend on how long the date range you selected was and how busy the practice is. When it has finished compiling you should see a summary screen giving top level numbers for each provider that has transactions in the date range.
Note: The report is quite wide, so you may need to set the browser scaling down from its usual size to fit everything in. If the report doesn't fit on the screen, a scroll bar will appear that allows you to navigate the report whilst keeping the header in view.
You can explore the report data in a number of ways. Clicking on the > next to a providers code, expands their data to show individual lines.
You can click on the button to download a file with the raw data in CSV format. You can use a program like Excel to perform detailed searches, filters, and sorts.
If you discover problems in the data that need to be corrected in the reporting period, you can make these changes directly in EXACT. When you are ready, click on again to see the updated results.
If required the report can be printed out for posterity. It will print as it is displayed on screen, so if a provider's transaction detail has been opened up, then this will be printed.
If you cannot see the report section in SOEConnect, verify that you have the Report and Associates Report ticked in the permissions.
If you cannot see the Report permission in SOEConnect, verify that your tenant has the feature enabled.
The longer the date range chosen the more data is returned. Depending on your browser and local system this will eventually cause issues. If you do experience problems try selecting a shorter date range
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