Create a New Fee Schedule
This article covers creating a new fee schedule.
Creating a new set of fees
- Go to Configure - Services/Stock Items - View Services.
- Click into the Schedule box.
- Then onto the selection button that appears.
- Highlight an existing option (if one exists) to base the new fees on those existing prices.
- Then click +1 to begin creating a new set of fees.
- The next window requires you to select a new unique code for the fee schedule, an affective from date and it also gives you the chance to change which existing fee schedule you copy the fees from.
- Set for all providers on effective date will make all providers use these fees by default from this date onwards.
- The next screen will ask you to set which Price code will be updated.
Price code 2 is the default within EXACT and is likely the prices that you will need to update. But you can check which Price code (1, 2 or 3) the prices are usually stored by looking through the services on Configure - Services. - Once you have select the Price code click OK.
- Select the fee increase % or add a minus symbol to lower the fee %.
- Select which service category is to be updated.
- To update all the service fees select All.
- Then click OK.
- The new schedule has now been created.
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