EXACT eLearning - Non Clinical
Welcome to your EXACT eLearning where we will guide you through how you use EXACT as a non clinical user.
This page will be your main home page for your learning with videos and links taking you to that specific area of learning. Clicking on any link will open that up in a new tab, once you are finished, close the tab down and move to the next section in the list.
Logging into EXACT
- Create a Password
- Login to EXACT
- How to Exit EXACT
- Getting Started with the Appointment Book
- Patients and Making Appointments
- When a Patient Calls
- Appointment Cancellations
Rebooking an Appointment
Adding an Appointment to the Cancel List
- Tidy the Cancels List
Rebooking an Appointment
- Patient Workflow
- How to use the patient workflow
- How to use the patient workflow
- NHS (England)
- Starting an NHS Course of Treatment / Setting An NHS Exemption
Transmitting NHS claims in England
- UDA Manager
- Starting an NHS Course of Treatment / Setting An NHS Exemption
- NHS (Scotland)
- Starting an NHS Course of Treatment / Setting NHS Exemptions
- Sending Prior Approvals
- Starting an NHS Course of Treatment / Setting NHS Exemptions
- NHS (Wales)
- Starting an NHS Course of Treatment / Setting NHS Exemptions
Transmitting NHS Claims in Wales
- Starting an NHS Course of Treatment / Setting NHS Exemptions
- NHS (Northern Ireland)
- Completing a HS45 form
- Resubmitting a HS45 COT
- Completing a HS45 form
- PRSI Charting
Processing PRSI Payments
- PRSI Charting
- GMS Charting
- GMS Charting
Processing GMS Payments
- Taking Payments and Cashing Up
- Short Notice List
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