EXACT Release Notes (V13.0-V13.10)
New Zealand MoH Form Update (July 2019) | 13.8
In New Zealand, the Ministry of Health (MoH) provides funded oral health services for adolescents. EXACT prints out some required forms for applications and claims. These forms fall into three categories:
- OHSA [Individual Treatment Report HP5953, Claim Summary Form HP5952, Prior Approval HP5958]
- OHSA-EX (High Caries) [Claim Summary Form HP5955, Prior Approval HP5958]
- SDS [Individual Treatment Report HP5959, Claim Summary Form HP5957, Prior Approval HP5958]
In July 2019, MoH modified all the forms above by adding fields, changing texts, etc. EXACT has followed the changes and updated the corresponding forms in version 13.8.
EIRE MED2 Form Changes July 2019 (Irish) | 13.7
For Irish patients to claim their dental expenses, they need to get a Med 2 form from their dentist after treatment. EXACT can print out this Med 2 form for the patient.
In 2019 the Irish government has changed the template of Med 2 form, EXACT changed correspondingly in version 13.7. Below are the modifications.
- Note changed
- Added (include Eircode)
- PPS No. changed to Dental Council Registered Number
- Form code changed and moved
Don't Display Codes on Patient Chart | 13.5
You can now chose not to display service/payor codes in the COT view on the chart and only show the description.
This makes the COT view simpler and easier to read.
Configure > Patient File >
Care Manager - 'Assign' only displays active users/providers | 13.4
When selecting to 'Assign' a course of treatment in Care Manager, only active users and providers will be displayed. Inactive users/providers will no longer be displayed.
Quick Notes improvements | 13.4
Each user now has a default set of notes and filters used to search for Quick Notes will now be remembered.
Storing Message History | 13.3
Message history is stored for instant message messages, this is in response to customer requests for auditing purposes.
Scheduler - prevent catch up | 13.3
This option allows users to configure Scheduled Events so they only 'catch up' outside of the practice active hours.
This can be used to reduce the load on the Server whilst Users are utilising the system during the working day.
HICAPS Quotes changes (Australia Only) | 13.2
In order to comply with the requirements of our new private health insurance claiming partners, all references to HICAPs Quotes have been removed from the software. These are now universally referred to as Claim Estimates. All users will see this change to the wording, in the tab names and any dialogues that come from it. The functionality is unchanged and the user will still have the tabs that they had before, except that the name will have changed.
Care Manager planned URL links | 13.0
Care Manager can now send Planned URL links to patients using the 'Contact' button. This allows a practice to send a patient a link to book a specific appointment from within a Course of Treatment.
Scottish Prior Approval Chart Mapping | 13.0
V13.0 sees the introduction of base chart mapping, so that existing patients charting, is represented in the prior approval base charting area, without any extra input.
The process starts by assigning a base chart category to each service.
Most of the standard services have been pre-mapped, but these can be changed by editing the service item if required.
When requesting a prior approval for a patient, the system will check to make sure the patient clinical history is covered by base chart mappings. If there are any gaps, a prompt will appear where the additional mappings can be set.
Existing mapping will be used automatically so eventually this mapping dialogue will not come up very often. If a service does not form part of the base chart, select the ‘Not relevant’ option, and it won’t be included.
Some services will require additional material information. Where these are present an additional prompt will ask for this information.
The dialogue shows as much information as possible to help determine what the material should be. Hovering over the clinical notes will show the full clinical note if there is one. Select the material for all the listed services to continue. Once the material has been stored for that patient, and service, then it will not be asked for again. However, this dialogue may continue to appear in the future, as it is asking for information about individual patients and services where that information was not stored.
Once this material information has been entered into the prior approval screen will show and the base charting will be displayed with the existing information.
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