Charting with SNOMED CT
When you chart a service, in many cases you won’t see any differences from how you have used the chart previously. If the service you are charting has default SNOMED codes applied then this will happen in the background.
You can inspect the applied SNOMED codes at any time.
- Double click the chart line to open up the Edit Chart Item window.
- In the top right of this screen you will see a button labelled Edit SNOMED Chart Items.
- Click the button to open a window showing the list of applied SNOMED codes.
Example of service with no SNOMED codes applied:
Example of Service with SNOMED codes applied:
If you have charted a service that applies to a tooth, or several teeth, you will see that EXACT has automatically added the SNOMED codes for those teeth. You cannot directly edit those codes, but if you do change the tooth/teeth for the service, they will be updated to reflect the change. Similarly, if the service has surfaces charted then the code for the surfaces will be automatically applied and updated if required.
If the practice has mapped SNOMED codes to the service and ticked one or more of them by default then you will see these default codes already in the list.
Removing SNOMED codes from services
To remove a SNOMED code click on the remove button at the end of the line.
Adding codes to services
To add a code to a service.
- Start typing some text for the type of SNOMED code you want to add.
For example ‘Exam’. A list will appear with SNOMED codes related to the word or words that you typed. - When you find a relevant code, click on Add next to any code/s you wish.
Tip: You can add more than one code to a service.
If your practice has decided on a subset of codes for a particular service, then you will only be able to select from those codes. If you would like to have a wider choice for that service, or have the choice narrowed you can map new codes, see more on this in Configuring SNOMED CT.
Please Note: You may need to talk to your practice Administrator if you do not have permission to do it directly. |
If the practice has not decided on a list of SNOMED codes for the service item, then you will be able to choose from the full list of included codes. As above, start typing to narrow the list and then click Add to attach it to this service.
On occasion, when you chart there won’t be any default SNOMED codes assigned to the service. When this happens a SNOMED Service Selector dialogue will appear.
- Select from the list directly.
or type in a search term for the SNOMED code you want. - Then click on the Add button from the drop down.
If you don’t want to add a SNOMED code to this item just click Cancel. - When the list contains the items that you want, click OK.
If you find that you have to do this a lot, consider editing the SNOMED mapping for the service and setting a ‘Default in chart’ option. It may be necessary to add additional EXACT services so that you can achieve a one to one mapping.
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