Capitation Reports
EXACT contains 2 reports use for Capitation, the Capitation Scheme Profile report and then Capitation vs Private report. These reports show you a breakdown of your capitation schemes and how they are performing against your private treatment.
Both of these reports can be found under Administration->Reports
Capitation Scheme Profile Report
The Capitation Scheme Profile Report provides a breakdown of the capitation scheme by age, sex and band.
Selection of data for the report can be made by date, one or more providers, and payor:
The report shows the changes that occurred during the reporting period, e.g., New Members, Number that Left, Net Change, Estimated Collections, and some Appointment information. All information is given per provider.
The estimated monthly collection figures are based on the number of members at the end of the selected period, multiplied by the current monthly fee entered for each band.
The estimated collections for period, takes the monthly collections rate and multiplies it by the number of days in the period.
The hourly rate is based on the total length of completed appointments within the period. It does not take account of double bookings or reserved time which was not utilised. Where patients have no band assigned, a monthly fee of zero is used, which will distort the overall collections, and hourly rate figures. Where a particular band has had no completed appointments within the period of the report an hourly fee cannot be calculated and will be shown as zero.
Capitation vs Private Report
This is a ‘what if’ report that attempts to be a “crystal ball”, advising on what fees the practice might have earned if the work they carried out under a capitation payor had in fact been done privately. This report gives the practice some guidance on whether they would be better off converting their patients to private or staying with the Capitation Scheme. It can also show them whether a particular band is over/under-priced against their standard fees.
The report works by looking at the work done under the capitation scheme and determines what the private fee for the same item would be. Therefore the services carried out under the capitation scheme would require a price set against them in the service list in order to generate a private fee equivalent.
It is designed to give an indication, but cannot be considered wholly accurate as there are too many variables which could influence what the private item might have been charged at. The report only uses the standard price for the comparison.
The estimated monthly collections is based on the number of members at the end of the selected period, multiplied by the current monthly fee entered for each band. The estimated collections for period takes the monthly collections rate and multiplies it by the number of days in the period. Where patients have no band assigned, a monthly fee of zero is used.
Provider Breakdown is based on patient’s owning dentist. Note a single provider may not have done all of the work shown against their name.
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