Daily Activity Report
The ‘Daily Activity’ report is a record of treatment (planned, completed, invoiced) and payments received for the practice on a given day. The Daily Activity report can be used as a paper back-up.
This report should be run daily for each provider and can also be run for the whole practice.
The 'Daily Activity' report shows for each patient seen 'today':
Their appointment time and length
The time they arrived
Their account balance at the end of the day
Treatment planned, completed and invoiced
Complete treatment details
Money received and any discount given
The patient's next appointment date and time.
To Run the Daily Activity Report
Go to Administration -> Reports and select ‘Daily Activity’:
This report can be run for individual Providers, or more than one provider can be selected by clicking on the Multiple button. The option is also available to print as one report or as a separate report for each provider.
The ‘From’ and ‘To’ Dates can be changed to print the ‘Daily Activity’ report for a previous date or date range.
If a date range is selected, a report is printed for each day.
The level of detail required is selected by ticking the check boxes:
Show Patients for Payor Payments
When payor payments are made it shows the patients that were paid for.
Show Invoice Comments
Prints any notes entered in the invoice notes area of a service within the ‘Chart’ tab.
Summary Only
Prints totals only.
Options are as follows:
‘Print’ to send the report to the printer,
‘Preview’ to preview on screen and then print from the ‘Preview’ screen,
'Email' will email a copoy of the report to an email recipient (EXDOCe is required for this option)
'Export' will export this report to a file called daysheetDDMMCCYY.txt, where 'DDMMCCYY' is the current date. The file is saved to the C:\ drive as a comma-delimited text file, which can then be opened using a word-processing or spreadsheet program.
‘Cancel’ to return to the previous screen.
The example below shows a ‘Daily Activity’ report for provider DEMO for the 26th of August 2005, with the ‘Show Patients for Payor Payments’ and ‘Show Invoice Comments’ options selected:
The report displays the data in columns as follows:
The time of the patient’s appointment in the appointment book.
The time that the patient was marked as arriving in the appointment book.
The length of the patient’s appointment.
The patient’s name. This section also shows detail of; Invoices, Receipts, Allocations and Treatment.
Shows if the patient has an outstanding balance, and if so shows the amount outstanding.
Details any work that was planned on the date, i.e. if a filling is added onto a treatment plan to be done at a future appointment. The fee shown is 100% of any Payor-covered fee.
Details any treatment that was completed on the date, this also shows the 100% Payor-covered fee.
This is divided further to show the amount invoiced to the Payor and patient.
Shows payments that have been received.
Details any discounts that may have been applied on the date.
Details any adjustments that may have been made to an invoice on the date.
Details any adjustments that may have been made to a receipt on the date.
Information for treatment for people without appointments (unplanned work) is included at the end of the report.
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