Top Debtor Summary Report
This report is used to print a list of a selected number of the patients who owe the most money as at the specified date. The resulting report shows the following.
Patient Name
Patient Phone Numbers
Amount Outstanding
Running the Top Debtor Summary report
Go to Administration - Reports and select Top Debtor Summary.
Leaving the Provider(s) field empty will print a ‘Top Debtor Summary’ for the practice; however an individual provider can be selected from the list by using the List button.
Clicking the Multiple button will allow printing for a combination of Providers.
The ‘As At’ date information will always show today’s date and cannot be changed.
The ‘Days for Aging’ field will default to 30 days, however the number of days specified can be changed in accordance with practice policy.
The ‘Number to Find’ will default to 10, but can be changed to find any specified number of outstanding balances.
The ‘Minimum Amount’ is used to set the debt level to select; if set to "0.00", all debtors will be selected. If you are not interested in debts below a certain level - for example, if they're not worth the cost of collection - then set the cut-off level here.
Click ‘Print’ to send the report to the printer, ‘Preview’ to preview on screen and then print from the ‘Preview’ screen, ‘Email' to email a copy of the report to an email recipient, 'Export’ will produce a CSV spreadsheet file or ‘Cancel’ to return to the previous screen.
The example below shows a ‘Top Debtor Summary’ report for all providers as of the current date. The top 30 patients that owe the most money were specified, however since the total number of patients found was less than 30, all are shown:
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