Managing Your Emails
With your email account connected to EXACT, emails to and from your patients can be assigned to their patient records.
As with all email accounts, it is recommended you manage your inbox, keeping it tidy by hiding or deleting actioned items.
Accessing your email
- Go to file - email.
- Here you can access your inbox, outbox, sent and deleted emails and SMS.
- Create a new email to create an email from scratch.
- Click send/receive email to send any messages waiting to be sent from your outbox and check for any incoming messages in your Inbox.
- An error button may be available if any errors have occurred during the sending or receiving of emails. Clicking this will display a list of errors.
Your email inbox
Your email inbox contains any emails received.
EXACT will display the date and time the email was received, the sending email and whether it's linked to a patient file. EXACT will automatically link this to a patient/specialist file if the email address belongs to that patient.
- The newest email will be at the bottom of the list.
- Double-click an email to view the content.
- If you need to file an un-filed email to a patient or specialist, highlight the email then click file.
- You will be presented with a picker to select the relevant patient/specialist.
- You will be presented with a picker to select the relevant patient/specialist.
- You can add tags to an email if required.
- For any actioned messages you can check the box on the left-hand side to hide them from the list.
- You can display hidden emails by clicking the show ticked option.
- You can delete messages by highlighting an email (or multiple by using the ctrl key) and clicking on the bin icon. This will move the message from the inbox to the deleted tab.
Your email outbox
Your email outbox contains any emails to be sent from EXACT (excluding any sent from campaign plus).
EXACT will show you the date and time each email was created, what patient/email address it is going to and the current sending status.
- Click on the outbox tab to see any outstanding messages ready to send.
Click send/receive email now to send any outstanding emails.
Any email without a ready-to-send status will not be sent and is either waiting for something from EXACT (could be a timed delay setting) or has failed (this could be an online booking failure synchronisation).
- Delay timers are identified by the clock icon between the subject and status columns, hover over the icon to see the delay information.
Your sent emails
Any emails sent from EXACT will appear in the sent tab.
- All sent emails and SMS messages are displayed here.
- Any sent SMS will display a phone status to show confirmation if the SMS has been received.
Deleted emails
Any deleted messages, regardless of whether it was deleted from your inbox, outbox or sent tab, will be transferred to the deleted tab.
- If you need to attempt to resend an email, you can move it back to the inbox by highlighting the message and then clicking move.
- You can also permanently delete an email/SMS by highlighting the message and then clicking the bin button.
Email tags
Tags are a feature that can be used to identify inbox emails that require action or to be highlighted to members of staff.
Adding a tag
- Highlight the email you wish to add a tag.
- Select +tag or right-click and navigate to add a tag.
- This will display a list of previously used tags. To create a new tag, type directly into the blank field to add to the list and to the highlighted email.
- Any tags added will display under the Tags list on the inbox tab.
Removing a tag
- Highlight the email you wish to remove from.
- Either select remove a tag to remove an individual tag or remove all tags to remove all.
Deleting unwanted tags
You can delete tags you no longer use or that you just need to remove from the system.
- Go to file - email.
- Change the drop-down menu in the lower-left to filter on tags.
- A prompt will appear displaying all the current tags.
- Highlight the tag to be deleted then click the bin icon.
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