Patient Communication
Enhance your patient communication with Emails, SMS and Letters
- Appointment confirmations and cancellations
- Automatic appointment follow-ups
- Configuring Automatic Appointment Messages
- Configuring Keywords for SMS Replies
- Create Email Templates
- Creating an Email signature
- Creating/Editing SMS Templates
- Disabling the Contact Consent Form
- Editing an Email Template
- Email and SMS Troubleshooting
- Email attachments
- Enabling Hyperlinks Security Setting
- iCal Personal Calendar Appointments
- Managing Your Emails
- Patient email error - multiple patient
- Presentation Manager 2
- Resending Undelivered Emails
- Resetting Failed SMS/Email Communications
- Sending a Patient an Email
- Sending a patient an SMS
- Setting email/SMS scheduled sending times
- Smart Sections
- SMS character limits
- SMS Report Empty / Blank
- SMS Service Through a Proxy
- SMS Templates Archive
- Viewing SMS Replies