Cancelling a HICAPS Claim
If you need to cancel a HICAPS transaction, simply highlight the transaction and select the "Cancel Item" button.
You can choose to either cancel a HICAPS transaction manually or electronically, which will cancel the transaction through the terminal.
Manual cancellation:
If you need to resubmit treatment that is associated with a HICAPS payment, you will need to cancel it first.
1. Highlight the HICAPS payment and select "Cancel Item" and “Manual”
2. Resubmit the invoice
3. Charge corrected treatment back through
4. Reprocess the HICAPS payment
Electronic cancellation:
If you need to cancel a HICAPS claim that was processed incorrectly, you can cancel the charge electronically through EXACT.
1. Highlight the HICAPS payment and select "Cancel Item" and “Electronic”
2. A window pay popup asking for your HICAPS merchant code, enter this
3. Follow the prompts on your HICAPS machine to cancel the claim
Note: if you are cancelling a transaction that is not from the same day, you may need to remove the adjustment from your Cashing Up Report. |
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