Contacting Patients by Post using Patient Lists (mail merge)
Patient Lists are perfect for finding a specific list of patients, one of the things you can do with a patient list is contact all of those patients in bulk.
Patient Lists gives you the ability to contact patients via SMS, Letter or Email, this article focuses on Post.
To comply with GDPR, you should only send marketing-type communications to patients who have explicitly opted to receive those communications. You should not send to patients who have explicitly opted out or made no choice.
Opening your patient list
- Go to administration - patient lists - view saved lists.
- Select the list you wish to view then open the list or double-click the list.
Contacting by post
- Click the write to the selected person (after selecting this you have the option to send to many) option in the bottom right of your patient list.
- This will open the contact by letter prompt.
- Here you can select if you are sending single or multiple letters.
- Grouping by family - this will send a single letter to the head of a family instead of each family member.
- Tick as complete when sent, will help you identify which patients have successfully been communicated and which require attention or further communication.
- Select OK once you have selected all required options.
- You will now be presented with the contact patients prompt, here you can select several settings as to who you wish to communicate with. Select OK when ready.
- You will now be presented with the document details prompt, here you can select several details for the email template, including the template itself.
- You can edit the template by clicking the edit option e|d.
- Once edited appropriately you can print the final version or if the option is enabled, you can send the letters to EasyPost for mail distribution.
Tips and Tricks
If your selection criteria produce no patients as a result, a warning of “There are no patients that match the selected criteria” will display. Select OK.
You will then be presented with the Document Details window, if you are creating letters / emails / SMS messages, or the Label Details window for mailing labels.
Printing a long list of letters may take a long time, and once it has commenced the process cannot be stopped.
Rather than print all letters at once, break them into batches using the "From Patient" and "To Patient" fields. For example, select patients from A-F, then G-M, N-R, and S-Z.
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