Prior Approval updates
Configuration to receive updates for your Prior Approval
- Daily 'Get Updates'
- Receiving updates from EXACT
- Non-authenticated EXACT user warning on 'Get Updates' button
Daily 'Get Updates'
The NHS automatically receive PA updates on a daily basis. If you need an update for some reason, you can manually choose the Get Updates button on SOE Connect, PA list view.
If an expected update is not appearing then there is also an option to download all the updates that have been sent by the PSD. To do this click on the down arrow next to Get Updates and choosing the Request all updates ever sent option.
Receiving updates from EXACT
While automatic 'Get Updates' will run daily on Connect, an authenticated EXACT user needs to (for now) manually choose new 'Get Updates' on Approvals menu which will retrieve PA request status updates from SOE Connect.
You can find this option under Administration - NHS- Approvals and choose the 'Get Updates' button. A new column 'eDental Approval Status' will update and display the status (per COT). The 'Edit Appr' button can be used to manually override the approval status.
Non-authenticated EXACT user warning on 'Get Updates' button
If a user who is logged in to EXACT without an SOE Connect account and chooses the 'Get Updates' button, a 'Prior Approval Error' warning appears.
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