Adjusting Ministry of Health (MoH/OHSA) Claims
If Ministry of Health have paid a different amount than the total you have claimed for, you may need to process an adjustment.
1. Go to: File > Payors > OHSA > $
Double click into the Payment Bundle you wish to adjust.
2. Select each invoice that requires adjusting to adjust any differing amounts. You can use the Adjustment Type "Payment Schedule Adjustment" or another suitable adjustment type.
3. Once your adjustments have been completed, you can process your payment as per normal, by going to: Transactions > Payor Payments > OHSA > View Claims. From there, you can simply tick the items which have already been adjusted and select "Process Payment" to complete.
Note: When processing your adjustments, EXACT will re-calculate the invoices total and show you the original total and the adjusted total. If you need your adjustment to add but it is subtracting a value, or if you need to subtract a value and it is adding a value, simply add a minus (-) sign in front of the adjusted amount. |
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