Creating a Supernumerary Tooth Service
As Supernumerary teeth are additional to the regular number of teeth they require special charting to be charted.
To chart a supernumerary tooth, you must first create a Supernumerary service.
Creating a Supernumerary Service
To base chart a supernumerary tooth, you must first create a service to be charted.
- Go to Configure - Services/Stock Items - Add New Service (this can also be done via the services menu on the Chart screen, right-click then Add or the +1 button).
- You'll be presented with several tabs, depending on the level of configuration required, you may only need to complete the Chart Item and Fees tabs.
- Add a unique Code called SUPER.
- Enter a Description such as Supernumerary Tooth.
- Under the Chart Item tab.
- Ensure List in Chart Tab is ticked.
- Set the Chart Graphic via the drop-down list to Character then use either the S or $, depending on your preference.
- You could also create the service with no graphic or make it tooth-specific. This would then add a clinical note advising that there is an extra tooth present.
- You can also Set the Colour of the graphic to help identification when charting.
- The Advanced Charting tab is optional.
- Select the Invoice Summary type using the up/down arrows or the selection box.
- Select the Watch Type using the up/down arrows or the selection box.
- Select the Failure Category using the up/down arrows or the selection box.
- Select the Only for Provider to only allow specific provider/s to access the services using the up/down arrows or the selection box.
- Auto Charting Options can be used for EXACT to auto-chart services or custom screens when the service is charted.
- A maximum of five Services can be set, use the up/down arrows or the selection box to select a service.
- Only one Custom Screen can be set, use the up/down arrows or the selection box to select a custom screen.
- Once a custom screen is selected, you can choose how this acts when the service is charted with options to Popup when planned, Popup when completed or you can set the Popup disabled so no popup occurs.
- You can add clinical and invoice notes in the Notes tab.
- Any notes you wish to be for internal use only should be added to the Clinical Notes.
- Information you wish added to invoices/estimates should be added to the Invoice/Estimate Notes.
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