Adding Appointments to a Course of Treatment
When a course of treatment spans several appointments, you can add these to a course of treatment.
Add Appointments to a COT
Once the first service is charted in a patient’s treatment plan, an entry automatically appears in the Treatment Planning area along with the Course of Treatment number, the first Appointment and the selected Service to be provided.
To add additional appointments;
- Right-click on any line in the treatment planning area and choose to add an appointment.
- A new appointment will be added below the line you initiated the command from.
Moving Services into Appointments
Provided services have not been completed, they can be moved around within and between appointments by dragging them with the mouse;
- Click the service name within the treatment plan, keeping the left mouse button pressed.
- Then drag the service into the required appointment.
To select multiple services in the treatment plan;
Click the first service.
Hold down the SHIFT key then click on the last service.
If the services you wish to select are not adjacent to each other, hold down the CTRL key then click on each service required.
Editing the Length of an Appointment
The time required to complete each service is automatically calculated and added to create the overall appointment length. The estimated time to complete each service is defined in the service settings.
- Double-click on the appointment text in the treatment area or right-click and then select edit.
- The edit appointment prompt will open.
- Click the time for the expected time, to adjust the time you can;
- Type in a time.
- Or use the up/down arrow buttons.
- The first two digits indicate hours and the second two digits indicate minutes.
00:25 represents 0 hours and 25 minutes
01:30 represents 1 hour and 30 minutes.
- Other options here include changing the appointment description or adding a note, click into the relevant boxes to add any text you want to appear.
- Click OK to save your changes.
Hiding Treatment within Appointments
Treatment within appointments can be hidden from view using the plus (+) and minus (–) options on the appointment line.
This feature is ideal when you are dealing with complex treatment plans with multiple appointments.
The current course of treatment area can be altered to hide areas you do not need to see and only view the current appointment.
- To hide a treatment, click on the minus (–) button to collapse the appointment view
- Click on the plus (+) button to display an appointment.
This option is also available at the top of the COT to hide/display all appointments within a treatment.
Tips and Tricks
- You can configure your charting to auto-add a pre-determined number of appointments when creating a course of treatment, to do this go to;
- Configure - user settings.
- Then tick the auto-create course of treatment checkbox and enter how many appointments you need your charting to have.
- Click save to keep your changes.
- To make it easier to select services commonly used together in a course of treatment, you can set them up with adjacent codes in the services list or group them in service categories.
To assist with appointment booking and accurately schedule the patient’s future appointments, it is possible to change the estimated time for each appointment in the course of treatment area.
To assist providers, notes can be added to an appointment, for example, a reminder to check a tooth that has been causing the patient discomfort.
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