Watching a Tooth
EXACT charting has the ability to watch a tooth, any teeth that are being 'watched' are stored in the Watch tab alongside Service List, Quick Plans, Images tabs.
The Watch tab provides a condensed treatment history of certain types of treatments (for example X-Rays) as Watch Types.
Once configured, all x-rays taken for a particular patient can be listed in the Watch tab, in date order. Saving time when checking when a patient last had x-rays taken. Watch Types require initial set up in the Service File.
Setting up a watch type
This requires the appropriate security rights to add and modify Service Items.
- Go to configure - services/stock items - view services.
- Type in the code at the bottom to search for the service you wish to add the watch type to.
- Double-click the service item to open the edit service item window.
- Select the advanced charting tab.
- Click the watch type option.
- Select the lined icon button that has now appeared.
- A list of all available watch types will display on screen
- You can add a new watch type by clicking +1.
- Enter a description then click OK then OK again to save your new watch type.
- Enter a description then click OK then OK again to save your new watch type.
- Repeat this process for all other x-ray related services to complete the setup.
Viewing watched types
- Once a service with an assigned watch type has been charted on a course of treatment, that service will be listed under the relevant watch type. Eg. Xrays listed under Xrays.
- Open the Watch tab, using the Watch field at the bottom of the tab to select that Watch Type:
Tip: If you use a specific code for watching teeth (for example, W) you can hide the watch tooth icon by voiding the code in charting History. |
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