Viewing chart history
Charting completed in EXACT is stored in the chart history of a patient.
- Viewing treatment history
- Searching for treatment/tooth history
- Viewing historical and current treatment for a specific tooth
- Viewing tooth history
- Reading notes in treatment/tooth history
- Voiding historical treatment items
- Displaying voided items
- Viewing x-rays/images (requires EXAMINE Pro)
Viewing treatment history
Located in the Chart tab of a patient file, above the charting window is a button displaying the letter H, this will display a patients treatment history.
The history window shows a record of the patient’s historical and current treatment, including.
- The date the treatment was completed or planned
- The provider who completed or planned the work
- A graphical representation of the service (if applicable)
- The service code including tooth number and surfaces
- Particulars of each line item
- The total fee
- The patient and payor portions of the total fee
- Any clinical notes, invoice notes or custom screens that are attached to services
- Details of any treatment that has been flagged as Failed, for inclusion in the Clinical Audit (tick the Show Failed checkbox to display Failed treatments).
- (Optional) Voided items - these are not deleted, simply hidden from view by default. Check the Show Void checkbox to view voided items, which are identified by the voided icon
Treatment can be sorted in three ways, Date, Tooth No & Plan, with historical treatment being sectioned into areas for,
- Base Chart items
- Historical Chart items
- Current uncharged treatment items
The Base and Historical sections display treatment that has been completed and either charged or added to history.
The Treatment Planning area displays treatment currently planned for the patient. The treatment text is displayed in the colour of the provider logged on when the treatment was charted.
Searching for treatment/tooth history
Use the Search field to search for anything that matches the entered text, including Service names, Notes, Custom screens (both field names and data), and provider codes.
While the search uses exact matching, it is not case-sensitive. For example, searches for both EXAM or exam will match any of the following:
- Full Examination
- Patient came in for exam and x-rays
Once you click the search button the resulting matches display in a Search Results window,
The search text remains in the Search field until the Tooth History window is closed, enabling you to edit and refine your search criteria and conduct further searches
Viewing historical and current treatment for a specific tooth
- From the Patients Chart tab ensure that either the Permanent or Deciduous Tooth Chart is displayed.
- Double-click just under or above the required tooth (i.e., not directly on the tooth itself), and the Treatment History window will open displaying only treatment for that tooth.
Viewing tooth history
Use the Quick Chart Menu to quickly view the history of tooth treatments. This will only show treatment that is tooth specific.
As you move the focus from tooth to tooth, the menu includes a history differentiated into Base Charting, Historical Treatment (History of previous work, notes, Xrays on a tooth) and Current Treatment (treatments being added today in the current Treatment Plan).
If the treatment list is too long for the screen, a scroll bar will appear on the right hand side of the treatment list. By default, it will be scrolled to the bottom to show the most recent treatment.
Double-click an item in this list to display a read-only window with the details. For example,
Reading notes in treatment/tooth history
Where services have clinical notes attached, the symbol appears to the left.
If a note is longer than four lines, three dots will appear next to the symbol.
Double-click anywhere along the Clinical Notes line the to read the full note.
Voiding historical treatment items
- Select the Treatment line to be voided, Click the Void button.
- A warning will display.
- Click Yes to confirm that you wish to void this treatment or click No to return to the previous window.
NOTE: Voiding an item in history does not affect the patient’s account.
If the item to be removed has a related invoice that must also be altered, it is recommended that you first ask your administrator to correct the transaction before you void.
Depending on the method chosen, it may automatically void the treatment in clinical history for you.
Displaying voided items
Items that have been voided are identified with a voided icon.
Voided items are not displayed by default in Treatment / Tooth History.
To display them, check (tick) the Show Void checkbox.
Viewing x-rays/images (requires EXAMINE Pro)
With EXAMINE Pro installed you may see an x-ray icon, which you can use as follows.
- Hover over the Xray icon to see a tooltip overlay of the Xray. Only one type of tooltip is shown at a time depending on where the user hovers i.e. only notes or only a custom screen or only an x-ray.
- Double-click the icon to launch EXAMINE Pro image viewer to see the image/s in detail.
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