Configuring Patient Payments
EXACT has a preset list of Payment Methods, you can add, edit, delete or make previously used methods inactive. To configure the options navigate to Patient Payments via Configure - Patient Payments.
Select a link below to skip to a section or scroll down to view all available options.
- Adding a New Payment Method
- Editing a Payment Method
- De-Activate a Payment Method
- Deleting a Payment Method
- Changing the order Payment Methods are displayed
- Auto Discounts
- Stock Items
- Edit Allocations
- Cost Centres
- Other Options
Payment Methods
Adding a New Payment Method
- Select +1 below the list of payment methods.
- Enter a description into the Code field.
- Select a Payment Category that best matches the new payment method.
- Press OK to save.
Editing a Payment Method
Once a payment method has been created, it is only possible to edit the category of the payment method.
- Highlight the payment method to edit and select e|d.
- Select the desired Payment Category.
- Press OK to save.
Note: If you are using HICAPS without using the EFTPOS option, you will need to edit the EFTPOS payment type to use 'Debit Card as the payment method'. |
De-Activate a Payment Method
If a payment method is no longer used, we advise to make the method inactive for reporting and historical purposes. This will keep the payment method available on transactions it has previously been used however will remove it from lists for any future use.
- Highlight the payment method to edit and select e|d.
- Check the Inactive box.
- Press OK to save.
- The method will be displayed in grey.
Deleting a Payment Method
Note: If a payment method is no longer used, we advise to de-active the method for reporting and historical purposes. |
- Highlight the Payment Method to delete and press the bin icon.
- Confirm you wish to permanenly delete the Payment Method.
- Press OK to save.
Changing the order Payment Methods are displayed
The order displayed in is the order the Payment Methods will be displayed when taking payments. To change this,
- Highlight the Payment Method to be moved.
- Use the Up or Down arrows to change the order as desired.
- Press OK to save.
Auto Discounts
No Auto Discounts: The Discount and Reason fields are removed from the ‘Patient Payments’ window. Discounts cannot be processed unless they are processed using the adjustments button.
Percentage Discount: Will automatically allocate a discount based on a percentage of the patient’s balance if the account is paid within the specified number of days.
Fixed Discount: Will automatically allocate a fixed discount if the account is paid within the specified number of days.
Discount If Paid Within: Specifies the number of days the account needs to be paid within to qualify for a discount. If the invoice is older than the specified number of days the discount will not automatically appear in the Processing window. It can however be manually entered if required.
Discount Reason: Is the default reason for allocating a discount, e.g. Prompt Payment Discount
Stock Items
A Tick in the ‘Display Stock Items’ enables stock items to be viewed and added to a patient’s account directly through the payment screen. If this option is not activated all Stock Items will have to be charged through the Patient Chart Tab.
Stock Items can be set to ‘Charge to’ a particular provider. A practice may choose to ‘Charge all Stock Items’ to the Principal Provider, or alternatively, a provider can be added on to the system and all stock items charged to this provider, e.g. Mr Stock. This enables Practices to keep Stock payments separate to Treatment payments.
Edit Allocations
Note: If HICAPS is enabled, the only available allocation option is to always display the allocation list when processing HICAPS payments. |
Allocation settings on the transactions screen can be managed configured via:
- Configure - Patient Payments.
- Under the Edit Allocations section there are three options:
No Editing of Allocations - this will hide the allocations, thus not allowing these to be edited. All payments will be automatically allocated to the oldest open invoice.
Button to Edit Allocations - an Edit Allocation button will be displayed to the right of the Payment Due Amount (as displayed in the earlier picture of the ‘Patient Payments’ window). If clicked on, the Allocations can be viewed/edited.
Always Display Allocation List - this option displays a list of open invoices for the patient and the tick indicates which invoice the receipt will be allocated against.
Cost Centres
When activated, this option allows you to specify cost centres to track payments against. When payments are processed you will be prompted to indicate the cost centre(s) the payment should be recorded against. A report which can be run from the ‘Transactions’ Menu, ‘List Items’, ‘Payments’ window will include a breakdown of payments by cost centre.
Note: This is a legacy feature and is not widely used. |
Other Options
Show Family Account Owing: This option defaults to "On", and shows the amount owing by family members, in the Patient Payments window for all family members.
Include all family members by default: This defaults to "Off", but if checked will cause all family members’ accounts to be ticked when the payments window is opened.
If it is not ticked then only the patient whose account it is will be ticked.
Note: This box will be “greyed out” if the first box is not ticked. |
Calculate Change: Adds additional fields to the payment window. The user will enter in the payment window the amount tendered, e.g. a $20 note. The system can then calculate the change that should be given to the patient.
Default Payment Amount: This option will default the Payment Amount field to the total balance owed by the patient. It means that this field does not need to be entered if the patient is paying the remainder of the account. If they are not, don’t forget to change this field otherwise the payment will be processed incorrectly and the banking will not be accurate.
Note: This feature does not operate when the Calculate Change feature is activated. Instead users are presented with a checkbox in the payment window which when ticked will ‘Set Tendered Amount to Payment Due’. |
Prompt for Payor on Unallocated: When ticked, the Bank Account field is available to change on the Processing window. If this option is not ticked, the payment will be automatically banked into the selected Providers bank account.
Note: Not widely used, as most Providers bank into one account for the practice. |
Make all Payments to: This option is used where all patient payments are made to the bank account of one provider, such as the principal provider in a practice, rather than to individual dentists who might be paid a salary or just for treatment provided.
Show Patient's Planned Treatment Amount: If this check box is ticked the amount for any planned treatment will be displayed in the payment window and can be added to the payment due amount.
Include Payor Amounts: If this check box is ticked the completed amount for treatment will be displayed in the payment window and can be added to the Payment Due amount.
Invoiced Treatment, Balance or Open Invoice: This allows the choice to display either the balance due or open invoices.
Show Bank and Branch Fields or Show Comment Field: These two options are mutually exclusive, and allow you to have either the 'Bank' and 'Branch' fields or the 'Comment' field displayed on the "Patient Payments" window.
Tip: It is not necessary to restart EXACT for changes made in this screen to take effect. This means you can switch between these two settings whenever you wish to change which format is shown in the Payments window. |
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