Adjusting Patient Transactions
Adjustments are alterations to an existing transaction to correct or change the amount within EXACT, this could be due to an over/undercharge for a number of reasons such as goodwill gesture, incorrect quotation when compared to an actual amount or so on.
An adjustment can be made to patient transactions (Receipts / Invoices) via the Patient Transactions screen, however, it is recommended that adjustments are not made to receipts, (unless the payment has been dishonoured), as this will affect the end of day Cashing Up.
Making an Adjustment to a transaction
- Navigate to the patients transaction screen via the “£/€/$” button.
- From the transactions list, select or highlight the invoice you would like to adjust.
In this case, due to a discount, Mr Trevor Bade paid £200 instead of paying the required £300 for the Invoice 1257, so his account shows an open amount of £100. We need to adjust it with a discounted amount of £100. - Press the Adjust button to display the Create Adjustment screen.
- Select the Adjustment Type (These can be configured, see Configuring Adjustment Types).
- Type a Comment / reason for the adjustment.
- Enter the amount to adjust. IMPORTANT: EXACT displays a statement below the Amount field. Always read this to confirm whether it is an amount to be decreased or increased. The example below shows an Invoice Discount, where EXACT assumes that the stated amount is to be discounted.
- Click the OK button. The result of the Adjustment is a new line in the patient's transactions screen, showing the amount and the reason. The patient balance also displays on this screen.
Viewing and printing a list of all Adjustments
- Go to Transactions - List Items - List Adjustments to display the list.
- To Print, click the Print button at the bottom right of the screen, and follow the print dialogue prompts.
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