Processing refunds
Refunds are processed from the Patient Transactions screen. Click on the £,€ or $ symbol from the patient file or Appointment Book/Edit Appointment Window.
Select Refund to open the Refund Wizard. There are a number of different types of refunds.
Note: If a payment is allocated to another transaction, you will not be able to refund this specific payment until the allocation is edited. You will notice the details are incorrect when selecting the refund, see Adjusting Allocations for further assistance in correcting the allocation. |
- Credit Note, insert a credit note to use against existing or future work.
- Refund Unused Deposit, refund an advanced payment previously added.
- Refund money paid for work done, refund both the payment and the invoice. The balance will remain the same.
- Correct a receipt, fix a mistaken entry so the correct amount is entered.
Select the required option by clicking in the circle then select Next.
Credit Note
For Credit note enter the credit note amount and the reason. EXACT will show what outstanding invoices there are and allow to select what invoices it will be attached to.
Refund Unused Deposit
For Refund Unused Deposit you will enter the refund amount, the reason and the method of refund. You will also be able to choose the receipt it is referring to.
Refund money paid for work done
For Refund money paid for work done enter the refund amount and reason and choose an invoice for this to be allocated against.
Once you have chosen the invoice and amount choose Next.
Choose the receipt you are refunding and the method of refund.
Correct a receipt
For Correct a receipt choose the receipt you wish to change and the amount it should be and EXACT will then take off the correct amount for you. Hold CTRL to select more than one receipt when required.
When selecting more than one receipt to refund EXACT will create an item in the transactions screen for each refunded amount.
Example of 2 receipts that have been refunded via the Refund wizard showing as 2 separate refund items.
Whichever method you choose, follow the prompts and click Finish, The transactions screen will now display the refunds
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