EXACT Workstation has Failed to Connect to the Server or is not Launching
If your computer is unable to launch EXACT, this is commonly due to a connection issue with your server computer.
Please first check if only one computer is experiencing issues or all computers in your practice.
All Workstations are Unable to log into EXACT
- Check your EXACT server computer is switched on
- If not, please turn on your server computer then check your computers can log into EXACT.
- Or type services into your Windows search bar on your EXACT server computer.
- Locate the service SOE supervisor service from the list (services are listed in alphabetical order).
- If the service is not running, right-click the service then click start.
- Once the service is running, check your computers can log into EXACT.
Only One or Some Workstation/s are Unable to log into EXACT
If the error: 'EXACT Failed to connect to server specified in your login.ini: SERVERNAME' is displayed.
- Open file explorer on the computer/s experiencing an issue
- Type file explorer into the search bar on your computer then open this.
- Type \\YOUREXACTSERVERNAME (replace this with your actual server name) in the navigation bar at the top of the window.
- If an error appears stating that Windows cannot access your server, you will need to speak with your IT support provider as the computer is not able to connect to your server computer. Once this connection issue has been re-established EXACT should launch as normal.
- You may be presented with a prompt to enter your Windows admin credentials.
- Enter these if you know them or contact your IT support provider for the correct Windows admin credentials (username & password).
- Tick remember my credentials to save the details and prevent the issue from occuring again.
- When you can successfully connect to the server again, you will see a list of shared folders. Once you can see these folders, everything is usually connecting again and EXACT should launch, allowing you to log in as normal.
If a computer/s have previously connected to a different server you may need to update login.ini file on your computer.
- Locate the file path C:\ProgramData\SOEI\EXACT\login.ini on the computer with an issue.
- The currentserver= and lastloginserver= rows should be updated to contain your current EXACT server name.
- Once completed, close any EXACT windows and load EXACT again.
EXACT is not Launching
If you are clicking on the shortcut on your computer.
- Right-click your Windows taskbar and launch Task manager.
- Locate dental (32 bit) and left-click to highlight it, then click end task.
- Launch EXACT to check the software will now load.
- If you are using terminal services where multiple users are logged into one computer a different process is required as stated in the multiple instances help article.
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