Ortho tab
The Orthodontics tab is available to assist in recording detailed information regarding a patient's Orthodontic health.
If you wish to have this enabled, please contact the EXACT support team.
Internal use only: There is not charge for this tab to be added. The Ortho module needs to be registered for this tab to appear, once enabled you will need to restart EXACT for it to be visible. |
Once enabled, your patient file will have an Ortho tab available, within this tab you have four additional tabs,
Upon opening the Ortho tab, the current days date will be added to the upper left, you can use the left/right arrows to navigate through previous data if this information has been entered.
Any information entered will be added to the date displayed in this area.
Upon assessing your patient, you can enter the data into the Assessment tab for accurate and consistent records.
This tab allows you to outline any objectives you wish to achieve during the patients orthodontic treatment.
This tab is used to record what appliances have been used and results of each appliance.
This tab is used for any information that is not recorded on previous tabs including dentist, date and patient health information.
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