Envisage Link Button Installation
The Envisage link button utilises EXACT’s generic link capability to launch a script using Curl to send a message to the Envisage Agent, requesting a patient call to be generated for the patient currently in focus in EXACT. The Envisage Agent then, depending on configuration, broadcasts the requests to potentially multiple CODAs who are responsible for the display ( and optional vocalisation ) of the patient call message.
Part one: Running the Envisage link installer
- Place a copy of the Envisagelink-Install application onto the PC where you want to use the link button. (Envisage will provide this).
- You will need to repeat this on every computer where you want the link button to be used.
- Run the installer.
- You may be prompted to allow the app to make changes, please select yes.
- You may be prompted to allow the app to make changes, please select yes.
- You will now be prompted to review and and agree to the licensing terms.
- These are principally included to cover the third party distribution of the Curl executable.
- A copy of these terms is also located in the install directory. When ready, please select I agree.
- To match the licencing token please ensure you use the default installation folder.
- Destination folder: C:/Envisage
- Then select install.
- Configure the link button script.
- Once the installer has completed unpacking a Windows CMD prompt will will automatically run.
- Please enter the IP address of the Call Agent that you wish the link button to communicate with
- Please enter the IP address of the Call Agent that you wish the link button to communicate with
- When prompted to add the room name you have a choice.
- Simply hit return (entering null) and the room name will be suppressed from the message.
- Enter the real room name you require e.g Surgery 2.
- Enter the special word USE_PC_NAME in which the workstations Windows PC Name will be sent in the patient call message and if appropriate could be displayed as the room name or a string substitution set up in the Call Agent to translate to a more meaningful name.
- Please note this configuration can be rerun at any time on a workstation by running c:\envisage\configlinkbutton.bat or if you prefer you could edit the envLink.cfg directly.
- Complete the installation by selecting close
Now consider whether you need to do any of the optional steps in Part 2 or move directly to Part 3.
Part two: Configuring the Envisage link button (optional)
Step one (optional): Display settings
- Locate the text:
- Configure the Coda Display settings HERE
- IMPORTANT: Do not specify displays that don't exist in call agent or no calls will be shown!
- By Default broadcast to all screens
- SET kDisplaySetting= -d "cis_id=None"
- Alternatively to broadcast to specific screens:
- SET kDisplaySetting= -d "displays=1" -d "displays=2"
- If you don’t want call requests from this workstation to be broadcast to all screens then comment out the first KDisplaySetting entry, and configure the second entry appropriately.
Step two (optional): Staff name
- Locate the text:
- Staff name could be set here if fixed for this script deployment
- Default however is to leave this as blank
- SET staff="staff_name="
Where a workstation is permanently associated with a particular member of staff then the staff name option might be used to enrich the patient call message.
Step three (optional): Configuring the Envisage Agent to translate computer names to room names
If you have used the USE_PC_NAME option for the room name you will probably need to do this step.
You will need appropriate Call Agent login privileges to do this (this needs to be performed by Envisage).
For each workstation configured with a link button you will likely need to set up a computer name to room name text replacement rule in the Envisage Agent.
Part three: Entering the Envisage link button licence token
You must be operating EXACT V12.7 or above and your practice must enabled in the Software of Excellence NOVA system (please contact the EXACT support team to check).
You can access support from within EXACT, click Live Chat to get in touch with our friendly support team or ask our support bot to search for help articles from the EXACT help centre.
- Login to EXACT as an administrator user.
- Select configure - practice settings - product licences.
- Select +1 to add a new licence.
- Under product name enter a title i.e. Envisage Link.
- Once the licence has been authenticated this name will update to reflect the actual name registered against the licence key.
- Under the key enter the following SOE link button licence key:
- ecbc27d6-0a53-40a5-965c-bb218dcf9253
- Be careful not to enter any leading or trailing whitespace, especially if you use cut and paste for this token. This is a generic licence so the same key can be used to enable this link button on any number of workstations.
- Please leave the access code blank as this is not required for this link button.
- Enter the directory path where you have installed the scripts in Part one.
- At the current time you should be using C:\Envisage only.
- This will need to be entered on every workstation that you want to use the link button. You can use the “Computer” drop down to choose the workstation and enter the path. If you wish for the link to be activated on all machines then you can use the “Copy to All Machines” option.
- Check that all details have been entered correctly and then press OK.
- The licence will now be checked and whilst being validated.
- This screen does not auto update so please exit this screen by pressing OK.
- Checking the licence validity can sometimes take a couple of minutes to process so please wait a minute or two and then re-enter the product licences screen. Once confirmed the licence should change to enabled = True. Log out and back into EXACT to help refresh the status if it's taking a while.
- The licence will now be checked and whilst being validated.
- Once the licence is enabled log out and back into EXACT.
- Select a patient from the patient toolbar and check the extra Envisage Icon is available.
- The icon will not appear until you select a patient.
If the button appears as an “E” rather than a “Loud Hailer” Icon then there is probably a mismatch between the path entered against the token key and the installation directory used for the installer.
Check that that the c:\Envisage directory exists and is populated and that the path setup for the token matches (Select Configure > Practice Settings > Product Licences + edit with the Envisage licence selected)
When you select (single click) the “loud hailer“ icon the Envisage launch script is executed and the following popup should appear indicating that Patient Call request has been passed to Envisage.
Error messages
If the script configuration for the Envisage Client was not completed correctly or the client is not accessible ( ie not responding or switched off ) then the request will timeout ( approx. 20 seconds ) and the following popup will be displayed.
Should this occur check that the envisage client is running and check that the correct call agent IP address has been set in the local copy of the envlaunch.bat file.
If the link button config file was not successfully created or has been subsequently removed then the following message will be displayed.
Should this occur, rerun c:\envisage\configlinkbutton.bat ( see Part 1.7 for details )
If the Call Agent hits a problem processing a message from the link button then a message
similar to below will be shown
The second sentence represents the message result and description returned by the call agent.
If the link button script receives no patient name when called the following message will be shown
The passing of the patient name to the script is actually controlled by the SOE licence token so if this error is encountered investigation of the Envisage Link Button token would likely be required by SOE Support.
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