Appointment Book week view colours and appearance
At the top of your appointment book is the week view, giving an overview of how your appointment book looks.
Accessing the week view
Open your appointment book via the Appointments workspace icon or File - Appointments - Appointments.
With this open, you should be able to view the week view at the top, if you need to open or adjust the view, click at the top of your appointment book or the bottom of the week view, your mouse cursor should then change icon, click and hold to drag the view open.
Using the week view
Wek view is a horizontal and top-level representation of the appointment book.
It's useful for spotting available gaps and the level of appointment activity without having to navigate and scroll through individual dates.
The buttons to the side of the week view can help you quickly jump forward or back weeks & months.
Configuring week view
Go to Configure - User Settings to set the colour of the week view (This setting is per EXACT user).
The colours options are Booked Provider, Appointment Category or Patient Payor.
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