Configuring a Providers Rota
A rota is a provider's diary, consisting of their regular working hours, lunch and break times.
EXACT rotas enable you to configure both basic rotas (eg. the same every Monday to Friday) or complex rotas (different working schedules spanning a number of weeks) as well as scheduled lunchtimes and breaks.
This rota will be displayed on any appointment books you add them to, providing everyone in your practice access to their availability.
Opening a Provider's Rota
- Navigate to the Rota Configuration screen
- Click the spanner icon in the top right of the appointment book.
- Select Manage Provider Rota Hours.
- Highlight the provider whose rota we are updating and click OK.
- Click the Create Block Rota button to enter the rota configuration window.
- Configure Rota Length: Rota Length (Weeks)
- Enter the number of weeks in the cycle.
- To repeat the same hours every week the rota length would be 1.
- If the provider worked different hours / different weeks then you can select the appropriate number of weeks in the rota. As the number of weeks is increased (up to a maximum of 6) extra Tabs will be added.
- Set a rota Start and End date
- Enter the date you want the rotation/cycle to begin into the start date.
- Enter the date you want the rota to apply up until the end date.
- Selecting Workdays
- Tick the checkboxes beside each day to indicate what days the provider is available.
- Set day start and end times
- For each day enter the appropriate start and end times. Be sure to specify AM or PM unless you are using a 24-hour clock format.
- Lunch Breaks
- If the provider has a lunch break tick the corresponding checkbox.
- Enter the start time for the lunch break, along with its duration (not the end time).
- Other Breaks
- If you wish to incorporate breaks into the day, tick the appropriate Break 1 / Break 2 checkbox.
- Multiple Weeks
- If the Rota contains multiple weeks repeat this process on the other week tabs.
- Finalising the rota setup
- Once the setup is complete click OK to finalise.
- A loading bar will appear showing the progress. Once this disappears the rota will be set.
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