Importing a Carestream OPG from the Examine Pro temp folder
Occasionally you may need to recover a Carestream OPG image from the Examine Pro temporary folder if it has not made its way into Examine Pro due to a fault. However, importing this image is not always as simple as it may sound.
The problem is when importing the image into Examine Pro, even though the file size is multiple MB once imported it will be only a few kB in size and of extremely low resolution. See the image below.
Then browse to the Examine Pro temp folder (SOE\ExPro\Tmp) and select the image you wish to import.
Once the image has been imported into CS imaging the easiest way to get it into Examine Pro is to right-click the image and then choose "Copy".
You can then go into the correct patient record in Examine Pro, go to "Edit -> Paste from clipboard", this will put the image onto the patient record and give you the opportunity to name the file.
Once you have done this you will see the image is a more adequate resolution and more realistic file size.
It would be best practice to go back and delete the OPG from the test record in CS imaging after you have pasted it into Examine Pro.
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