Viewing the appointment book
Your appointment book displays all your providers, their appointments and availability on screen at the same time.
- Opening your appointment book
- Configuration options
- Navigating your appointment book
- SMS and Email reminders identifiers
Opening your appointment book
- To view your appointment book,
- Go to File - Appointments then select your appointment book
- Or click the Appointments option from your workspace
- The appointment book is divided into three areas,
View week
The View week area displays several days of appointments using colour to show available time, blocked time and booked appointments with each provider.
- The days of the week are displayed down the left hand side of the View Week area with a number of rows within each day
- Each row is divided into hour blocks, representing the appointments for a single provider
- Clicking on a Day/Time will move the View Day area below, displaying the appointments for that day
- Clinics display as diagonal lines through time ranges
- Expand the week view by clicking and dragging from the bottom of the area
Find out more about configuring appointment book column colours & appearance in the help article.
View day
The View day area shows each provider column configured and the appointments booked on that day.
- Each appointment will show appointment information such as name of patient, what treatment they are coming in for and contact numbers
- Appointments can be coloured based on their provider/appointment category, blocked time or double booked appointments
- Diagonal lines represent clinics
- Hovering your mouse cursor over any area of the appointment book will display a tooltip with more appointment information displayed for appointments
Tip: Your appointment book can be set to display in 12 or 24 hours and is set per user. |
Find out more about configuring appointment book column colours & appearance in the help article.
Configuration options
Additional information can be displayed on appointments such as,
- A phone icon can be added either manually or automatically if patients reply to SMS reminder messages using specific keywords configured via automatic appointment reminder SMS replies, this helps quickly identify which patients have confirmed their appointments
- Left-clicking each appointments arrival box will also show this icon so that users can manually add this icon, however this will add an extra click when arriving patients
- A target with cursor is an identifier for patients who have filled in their Patient Portal forms before their appointment as well as taking online patient deposits
For a full list of appointment book icons, view understanding the appointment status icons.
Navigating your appointment book
Both the week and day views can be navigated via the calendar as well as the navigation options beside the day view
- Via the calendar,
- Click the day & date box in the top left to open the calendar
- Click a date to change to that date
- Via the day view functions,
- Clicking Today will open the current day
- The up and down arrows will change the date by one day, past and future
- -1w and +1w will move back and forth by 1 week
- -4w and +4w will move back and forth by 4 weeks
- -6m and +6m will move back and forth by 6 months
Tip: If you can only view -1w and +1w, expand the day view area to display two days, this should expand your options to display all the functions outlined above. |
SMS and Email reminders identifiers
When a patient is sent an SMS or Email reminder about an appointment, an icon will appear alongside the telephone icons in the appointment, to indicate the message has been sent.
- SMS reminders appear as a mobile phone icon
- Email reminders appear as an email icon (blue e)
- When both an Email reminder and an SMS reminder have been sent, both will be displayed with the mobile phone behind the email icon
- The delivery status of an SMS reminder will be displayed by colour
- Green shows the SMS has been sent and received
- Amber shows the SMS has been sent but not delivered
- Red shows the SMS delivery has failed
- Grey with a red cross shows the status is unknown
- Grey with a red exclamation mark shows the SMS has not been sent
- Grey with no icon shows that the status is unavailable
Find out more about SMS and Email reminders in the configuring automatic appointment reminders help article.
Activity bar
The activity bar sits on the bottom of your appointment book, providing easy access to additional appointment and patient information, including arrivals, failed to attend, wait lists and more.
Find out what you can do with your Activity bar in the Configuring the tabs in your appointment book activity bar help article.
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